When you have six cats you can’t just load them up and take them to the vet. Well, I guess you could but it would be a huge circus, especially if you have criers…and we do. We took Lucky and Herbie together a few years ago and I thought I was going to lose my mind. It’s a short drive but feels like hundreds of miles when two cats cry the entire time, they never shut up. I thought Herbie was going to hyperventilate. Anyway, we’re fortunate that our vet will make house calls. I managed to get everyone on the same schedule which makes it a little easier, I don’t have to keep everyone’s shots straight. But it also means that six cats have to get shots…each cat gets two shots…that’s TWELVE shots.
I figured Hurley and Lucky would be the worst. The last time we put Lucky in a carrier he turned into a different cat. He growled and when we finally got him in the carrier he made horrible wild animal sounds, it wasn’t good. Getting him out of the carrier once we got to the vets office was no fun. He did NOT do well. When everyone was sick Hurley bit us both, HARD. So naturally I assumed they would be the most difficult. Lucky wasn’t happy, he growled and hissed but he didn’t bite or claw anyone. Hurley was was great, he didn’t even cry. Ernie was actually did the best out of all of them, he just took everything in stride.
Jack and Pippi were trouble. Jack FREAKED out, he hissed, growled and made that sound that cats make when they’re about to get into a fight. He also clawed the crap out of the vet. She’s a pro, she’s used to cats fighting her and he still managed to draw blood. Pippi wasn’t nearly as bad, but she hissed, growled and knocked everything on the floor when she struggled. We ended up chasing them both around the house. Bob had to burrito Pippi in a blanket. The vet pinned Jack on the floor. It strikes me as funny that the two biggest punks were the biggest babies.
I had to trick Herbie with cat treats to get him out from under the bed. I think he knows the drill because he really didn’t complain much.
When we adopted Pippi I ordered a special collar for her, she’s the only girl so I kind of went nuts. You can order rhinestone letters that get threaded onto a collar. So she has a ladybug collar with Pippi spelled out in rhinestones. It IS a little extreme for a cat, but I never even think about it anymore. The vet cracked up when she saw it and gave me a look like “are you crazy?” But girls need bling!
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